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Mary's Doggies的故事

About Mary's 

「Mary’s Doggies台灣瑪莉愛狗協會」是一個以「為台灣流浪狗尋找永遠的家庭」為宗旨的非營利組織。Mary's Doggies is a non-profit organization rescuing the homeless dogs of Taiwan and rehabilitating, then rehoming them into forever homes.


在台灣這片土地上,流浪狗的問題十分嚴重,他們的蹤跡遍布大街小巷。協會的存在就是盡我們最大的力量改善這個嚴重的問題,幫助這些受困、受虐或被流放在街頭或山區的流浪狗。Mary’s Doggies is a non-profit organization working hard to alleviate the terrible problem of stray dogs in Taiwan. Unfortunately, Taiwan has a huge problem with stray dogs all over the island with many of them getting caught in traps, getting abused, or suffering from the elements of living on the streets or in the mountains.


協會的領養家庭散佈於世界各地,我們不只希望幫流浪狗找到永遠的家,更希望的是幫助他們打開傷痕累累的心房,重拾愛人和被愛的勇氣,也因此除了必要的藥物治療外,我們也給予適當的訓練讓他們能順利適應新環境、新家庭。Mary’s Doggies is dedicated to helping these homeless dogs by rescuing them, rehabilitating them both physically and mentally and then finding them loving homes both in Taiwan and abroad. We want to make sure the dogs that we rescue get the best medical attention we can find and also get the much needed training so they will be ready for their new homes and adjust well.


流浪狗大多在街頭或山區度過了很長一段時間的折磨,我們知道要讓他們重拾對人類的信心並不容易,可能需要幾個月甚至是幾年的時間,但協會從不放棄他們,我們用心、平等地去對待每一隻來到協會的流浪狗,陪他們一起度過這些艱難時刻,一定為他們找到永遠的家庭。We treat each and every dog we rescue with respect and love. Many of these dogs have had a very hard time on the streets of in the mountains of Taiwan and need many months, even years of training and confidence building before they are ready for adoption. However, we don’t give up on them and help them get through their difficult times and help them find their perfect forever homes.



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